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Network Concepts Web Interaction - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.
1. If Asteron formed a partnership with an online toy catalog, which of the following networks would that partner have access to?
Please select the best answer.
  A. The Internet
  B. The Internet and Asteron's intranet
  C. Asteron's intranet and Asteron's extranet
  D. Asteron's extranet and the Internet

2. Which answer names the core of Internet protocol?
Please select the best answer.
  B. FTP
  C. TCP and IP
  D. HTTP and FTP

3. What are the differences between HTTP and FTP?
Please select the best answer.
  A. HTTP is faster than FTP. HTTP is not as reliable: FTP does a check to see if files arrived as sent. HTTP enables the hyperlink mechanism for requesting Web documents.
  B. FTP is faster than HTTP. FTP is used for almost all Web file transfers. HTTP is for file transfers that fail through FTP. FTP transfers files from one platform to another.
  C. HTTP enables the hyperlink mechanism for requesting Web resources. FTP is a firewall (security) protocol overlaid on HTTP.
  D. FTP transfers files from one platform to another, often for larger files. HTTP is a building block of TCP/IP. HTTP performs a check to ensure files arrived as sent.

4. Which sentence describes the correct relationship between a domain name and its IP address?
Please select the best answer.
  A. An IP address is assigned by protocol when a client visits a domain name.
  B. An IP address is assigned to a domain name and translated by DNS software.
  C. When a client visits a domain name, its IP address is recorded with cookies.
  D. An IP address indicates if the domain name ends in .com, .org, .gov, or .edu.

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