Website Planning  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 1

Reviewing WebSite Planning Models and Deployment

The first course in this series, Web Site Planning Models, introduced two effective models for understanding how the Web works. The Web Interaction Model illustrates the five dynamic components that comprise a Web site, from content design (signs and metaphors) through the hardware requirements for deploying and maintaining the finished site. The Web Development Process Model illustrates the six phases of a Web design project, including the roles, responsibilities, and deliverables required of each member of a Web design team. This module provides a review of how these models work, as well as the fundamental processes and vocabulary that applies to the Web design concepts you will learn in this course.

Web Team

To visualize a real world application of how a web team functions, Web Site Planning Models also introduced WebTeam, a virtual design team hired to complete a Web design project. WebTeam appears throughout this course, as well, and this module provides you with an opportunity to become reacquainted with the team.
  1. Clarity and Conciseness: Signs and metaphors can simplify complex information by using visual cues and analogies that are easily understood. This makes the content more accessible and engaging, especially for users who may not be familiar with the topic or may have a limited attention span.
  2. Memory and Recall: Signs and metaphors can enhance memory and recall by creating mental images and associations. When users encounter a familiar sign or metaphor, they are more likely to remember the information associated with it. This can be particularly useful for websites that provide instructions, tutorials, or other types of educational content.
  3. Emotional Impact: Signs and metaphors can evoke emotions and create a stronger connection between the user and the content. By tapping into human emotions, signs and metaphors can make the content more compelling and memorable. This can be especially effective for websites that aim to persuade or inspire users.
  4. Cultural and Contextual Understanding: Signs and metaphors can help to bridge cultural and contextual differences by using symbols and imagery that are familiar and meaningful to the target audience. This can make the content more relevant and relatable, leading to a better user experience.
  5. Aesthetics and Visual Appeal: Signs and metaphors can add visual interest and aesthetic appeal to the content, making it more enjoyable to read and navigate. Well-chosen signs and metaphors can create a visually appealing and cohesive design that reflects the overall tone and style of the website.
  6. Branding and Identity: Signs and metaphors can contribute to the branding and identity of the website. By using consistent and recognizable signs and metaphors, businesses can create a distinct visual language that sets them apart from competitors and reinforces their brand identity.
  7. Navigation and Wayfinding: Signs and metaphors can be used to improve navigation and wayfinding on the website. By using clear and intuitive signs and metaphors, users can easily find the information they are looking for and move around the website without getting lost or confused.

Module Objectives

You can review each of these models in this module, or dive right into Module 3, signs and metaphors. By the time you complete this review module you should have a fundamental understanding of:
  1. The Web Interaction Model
  2. The Web Development Process Model
  3. The Web Team staff
In the next lesson, you can review the Web Interaction Model.

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